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Amanda Moya



TAMUCC Marketing teacher and the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center join forces over the Spring semester.


Dr. Jennifer Taylor and Dr. Lesa Thomas, the Executive director of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center, joined forces in March during the Spring Semester to find out what the needs of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center are.


Taylor, the newest marketing professor, has taken on two projects since she has been at TAMUCC. The first one was in the Fall with the Outlets on the Bay, in the Spring semester she choose to join up with the Deaf and Hard of Hearing center.


“Thomas came in before the groups started making their surveys. She informed us about the  D/deaf community. Such as the difference between, “deaf” which is a person that has gone deaf later in life, and “Deaf” which means Deaf from birth” said Taylor.


The students found it was hard to get a response from some in the community. This is primarily due to most people in the Deaf community have only a third grade education. Due to bullying, not understanding, and lack of Interpreters.


The marketing students sent out fliers in backpacks with children about the surveys, posted it on social media, and visited  Aransas Pass to spread the word and to have people complete.


“The students were broken down into groups of ten, and each group had to make a survey of what they were looking for from the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community. Get the results from the ones that they received. Then as a group they had to come up with a method, results and made recommendations for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center.” said Taylor.


The students looked at five different areas:

  1. Increasing usage of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing center

  2. Increasing Participation of  Hard of Hearing Individuals

  3. Increasing Participation of Deaf Individuals

  4. Increasing Volunteers

  5. Understanding Business experiences with the DHHC


On Tuesday, the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Centers’ faculty came to TAMUCC, to see the presentation that was setup for them. In this presentation  the different groups went over what they had found and ways to improve the center. One of the ways is to get the word out that the center is here and open through social media. Such as newspapers ads and Facebook.


Approximately 50 students presented in groups of 10. Many groups recommended that the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center, put more information on their website, on Facebook of what is going on, advertising in newspapers and on the radio.


“I expected more people to answer the survey, so we could give better information to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center, although, this experience was good, so I can take these skills I now know and use them in the future.”David Fryou, one of the students from the marketing class said.


Thomas was pleased with the information and the feedback that the facility received from the groups. Although, it was a lot to take in at once.


Some  recommendations to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center will not take the information and start some of the implements will begin right away; others will take some time to implement.


“Volunteers are always a need at the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center, so if you are interested, feel free to call the center at (361) 993-XXXX ” said Thomas.

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